Things I love - and you might, too!
The little unassuming scraps of life carry so much information and so many memories.
This post was meant to be about floral designers, but it also turned out to be about the stealthiness of hobbies, and childhood and its echoes.
The Dark Arts
How does letterpress printing happen, you might wonder. How does it work?
Most of us only see printed images appear fully formed, sliding smoothly out of the 'black box' of a printer or copy machine. The physical process of any kind of printing can seem mysterious, so here's a little intro into the dark arts of letterpress.
Next Stop Wonderland
I thought I'd tell you about a few of the little curated shops I love to visit, in person and online. Running a shop like these requires expertise and a strong point of view, and that's what I go there for.
Collect yourself
Collections can be a great source of inspiration and enjoyment and reflection when we take the time to study them a little.